Born 1989

"Movement is the basis of my image-making. I want to capture different types of movement and things in motion. These things are tiny particles or waves, and each one has its own different temperament. A picture contains a multitude of elements and things. Before I start producing an image, I have a sense of what kind of movement and energy I want to capture. Then the hand usually begins to gesticulate the direction and the speed, and sometimes the movement is more oscillating. I sit or stand and draw in the air with my hands. A view begins to unfold in this air drawing, and directions or sequences of events are directed and drawn. Then it's a matter of quickly sketching what I've drawn in the air on a sheet of paper. Since my pictures (unlike my air drawings) have an ending, I have to choose what to depict with the drawing process. My sketches are a kind of proof of what I've just seen, and a method for remembering. Unlike the process that comes later (slow, arduous and static), the drawing and the gesticulating are extremely rapid and energising."

Master's degree 2018, Royal Institute of Art

Pontus Johansson Den Tänkande Handen teckning utställning


Olivia Pettersson Fleur participates in the scholarship competition and exhibition with seven drawings created 2023.


1. Hadron
2. Miscellanea
3. Shared structure
4. Flux footprint
5. A Jolt
6. Synopsis 1
7. Synopsis 2

Click on the artworks in the slideshow to see full images, or scroll down. It can take a little while for the images to upload. Enlarge the drawings by choosing zoom or full page via the tool box by each image.

Olivia Pettersson Fleur's headstrong collages depict movement and things in motion. Her working process is twofold: an initial, intuitive drawing in the air, as the image emerges, which then transitions into a protracted, technically demanding phase during which the physical components of the collage are fabricated. With layer upon layer of brightly coloured, thousandfold perforated sheets, Pettersson Fleur builds up a multidimensional world of images that pulls in the viewer's gaze as co-creator of countless additional patterns of motion.

Collage, 2023. Original size 153 x 92 cm.
Collage, 2023. Original size 150 x 92 cm.
Shared structure
Collage, 2023. Original size 149 x 94 cm.
Flux footprint
Collage, 2023. Original size 95 xx 94 cm.
A Jolt
Collage, 2023. Original size 92 x 95 cm.
Synopsis 1
Collage, 2023. Original size 35 x 39 cm.
Synopsis 2
Collage, 2023. Original size 35 x 42 cm.